Falling behind Hill-Dog the Obaminator wants to steal my money to get the poor vote, while showing once again that so far as Democrats are concerned poor people are little children who can't possibly be held responsible for their actions (like buying a house they could never afford) and the American Dreams means never having to say you're sorry.
Obama wants to give 150 million working Americans a $500 tax credit, expand relief for homeowners, eliminate income taxes for seniors making less than $50,000 and simplify tax returns so millions of Americans can file in less than five minutes. Obama said more Americans who own their homes should get relief from mortgage payments. The current mortgage interest deduction only goes to those who itemize their taxes, while he would create a universal mortgage credit of 10% of interest payments that the campaign says would benefit an additional 10 million homeowners. Obama's campaign said he would pay for his proposals by closing corporate-tax loopholes, fighting international tax havens and raising the top rate on capital gains and dividends. The Illinois senator told Wall Street investors that they need to reappraise values that focus on their own gains at the expense of struggling Americans. |
Listen, fucktard, people ARE responsible for their actions but there are factors BEYOND their control. Who the hell wants to live in poverty? Do you think these people CHOOSE to do that? Where would you be if your parents had parents who were lynched, you went to a school where nobody cares and it's difficult to get an adequate education, there is violence on your street, you have no father and diseases like depression and schizophrenia are much more prevalent than elsewhere but people don't realize it and cannot be treated?
It's really quite simple. People make political decisions based on self-interest. People like you who have no ties to the poverty-stricken aren't going to give a shit about these people.
People who have poor relatives or some other tie to those who are disadvantaged, will care and make their political decisions accordingly.
Who is right and who is wrong? Really, it doesn't matter because people will simply make the decision that is self-serving, whether poor or rich or in between.
Once the poor and rich vote in equal percentage numbers, then we will have more equality. If you think the poor don't vote because they don't care, you are ignorant. Obviously this is due to lack of education and perception that nobody can help them. Very few wealthy persons who understand this inequality will be willing to help the poor because they currently enjoy an advantage which they would not like to lose. The voting will improve as humankind evolves. You wait.
I am continually amazed at how idiots, without ability to craft any solid counterpoints, chose instead to attribute completely unfounded and false characteristics to the people the argue against.
See the problem is you have no idea who I am, but the fact is I have lived with racism and poverty and got to where I am with nothing other than my parents' love my hard work.
Furthermore, while people don't chose to be poor, they certainly do make poor decisions (i.e. getting mortgage on a house they clearly shouldn't be able to afford) and it's certainly not my job to bail them out. Accountability for your actions - it's not just a "rich person thing".
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