Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Let's drop the pretense and the trousers.

Apparently the firms that were able to quickly repay the TARP money, with 23% interest to the taxpayers, and immediately turn a profit are not to be praised. Indeed, they are villains of the highest order. Their crime is that they dared to succeed without the government's help and oversight. In fact, those unbridled rapscallions couldn't wait to shake Geithner off the saddle and spit Obama's bit from their foaming mouths.
Naturally, Obama is upset that there's an important sector of the economy he doesn't have full control over - so it's important we quickly pass reform to nationalize everyone, regardless of their financial condition. At least he's finally being forthright about his intentions.
clipped from www.pbs.org
JIM LEHRER: Speaking of the economy, do you share the concern and growing anger by some people over the fact that these big Wall Street banks are suddenly making these huge profits while the unemployment rate continues to go up, foreclosures continue to rise, all kinds of other bad things are happening to individual Americans on the economy.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: The problem that I've seen ... is you don't get a sense that folks on Wall Street feel any remorse for having taken all these risks; you don't get a sense that there's been a change of culture and behavior as a consequence of what has happened.
Now, there are some companies, like Goldman Sachs, that have paid the money back and that means that we don't have the same kind of levers on them that we might have. And that's why I think it's important to pass this broader financial regulatory reform package.
Make no bones about it, I am pushing hard.
President Barack Obama

P.S. If you don't want firms to take irresponsible risks, then maybe you shouldn't let lobbyists tattoo "2Big2Fail" on the back of every lawmaker's skull.

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