Not content with merely biting the hand that feeds, HillDog wants to amputate an arm and a leg from her surprisingly large following of financiers. Today she called out Wall Street bankers and hedgies as living a life of bespoke leisure, collecting fat fifty million paychecks and barely paying a pence in taxes (so why did my bonus, which accounts for 80% of my pay get taxed at 42% then?). Of course this is what Chameleon Clinton is preaching to the dirt-poor delegates of Ohio, and quite different from what she said while raising millions in her "native" New York.
Incidentally, how the fuck is that little ho (I mean that literally, not derogatory) Chelsea still on the payroll of Avenue Capital? First she dissed her employer's health care and now her mom is calling them all shysters and charlatans. Oh and before the campaign kicked into high gear Chelsea was slaving away at Starbucks. Actually - if Hillary is basing the hedgie lifestyle on her daughter's actions you can almost hardly blame her. Oh wait, but that's where all that experience should have come in...
Incidentally, how the fuck is that little ho (I mean that literally, not derogatory) Chelsea still on the payroll of Avenue Capital? First she dissed her employer's health care and now her mom is calling them all shysters and charlatans. Oh and before the campaign kicked into high gear Chelsea was slaving away at Starbucks. Actually - if Hillary is basing the hedgie lifestyle on her daughter's actions you can almost hardly blame her. Oh wait, but that's where all that experience should have come in...
Sen. Hillary Clinton took a swipe at her daughter's profession today at an economic roundtable discussion at a restaurant in Parma, Ohio, suggesting wealthy investment bankers and hedge fund managers on Wall Street aren't doing real 'work.' "We also have to reward work more," Clinton told a small group of Ohio residents today. "and by that, I mean, I have people in New York working on Wall Street as investment managers, as hedge fund executives. Under the tax code, they can pay a lower percentage of their income in taxes on $50 million dollars, than a teacher, or a nurse, or a truck driver in Parma pays on $50,000. That's very discouraging to people." The line about investment fund and hedge fund managers has been introduced into Clinton's talking points as she campaigns across the economically struggling state of Ohio. |
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