Chesapeake was merely a pawn in the master plan of His Holiness Mister Henry Kravis who, in an admittedly Carlyle-esque move, ordered the ads to make sure the hippies were on his side for the TXU deal, now that the law has quietly favored him he doesn’t need the campaign anymore.
The founder of a group that ran a series of newspaper ads attacking the coal industry for selling a product that they called "filthy" says the campaign is ending. Rep. Nick J. Rahall (D., W.Va.), chairman of the House Committee on Natural Resources, called the ads an "absolute insult" to coal miners. He said the Clean Sky Coalition, which ran the ads, was set up by the chairman of Chesapeake Energy Corp. Mr. McClendon said there were other members of the coalition, but wouldn't identify any. ads ran in Texas newspapers in February during a fight against a Texas utility, TXU Corp., which was planning new coal-burning plants. |
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