Protesters complained that Kink degrades the neighborhood, degrades women and
offers "dead end'' jobs that no decent person would want.
The whole statement is absolutely bogus considering the amount of gay “fetish” bars in that very area. Also let's not forget Folsom Street Fair - the world's biggest S&M gathering held just a couple blocks away every single year. I really couldn’t care less about what consenting adults do behind closed doors, but I certainly don’t want to see a man in assless chaps strolling along the sidewalk holding his boyfriend by a leash when I’m driving for groceries. As for offering "dead-end" jobs, you're right - it's much better to be an AIDS-infested hooker, a hobo or a criminal than a porn actress making enough money to live a comfortable middle class lifestyle and getting paid to do what you enjoy.
"This neighborhood is already plagued with enough violence and prostitution as it is.'' said Roberto Hernandez, the artistic director for the annual Carnaval parade.
Here is a fact: porn in no way encourages prostitution – in fact, it reduces it because any prostitute who could do porn most certainly would – it is STD safe (since testing is mandatory) and pays a whole lot more. But Heaven forbid that protesters actually research the facts! And please nobody make the arguement that watching porn makes you more likely to solicit because that's equally outrageous. This goes double for S&M porn since most "fans" can get their jollies off legally by going to one of San Francisco's dungeons (a few of them also located in this neighborhood).
"This is oppressive and inappropriate for our community,'' said Sam Ruiz, executive director of Mission Neighborhood Centers. "It's not OK to promote acts of degradation and violence. We don't want this kind of stuff here.''
Actually Kink.com didn't do any promotion and tried to keep the whole thing fairly nondescreipt. Of course you and your little army of dumbasses did get an article into the SF Chronicle with your protest so now everyone knows what's going on. Thank you for the free advertisement, now please go across the street to Stormy Leather, buy a studded dildo and go fuck yourself.
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