Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Bye Bye Banking!

If I haven't made any posts in a while it is because I have been drunk with joy. And alcohol. Last Friday the 29th I resigned from my role as Investment Banking Analyst to pursue my dream of controlling the world's financial markets (the key to success is having modest, easily-achievable, goals). Here's how the Arbitrageur got a new job (and put some substance behind his name):

About a month ago I applied for a Portfolio Analyst role through craigslist to work for a "new quantitative hedge fund platform, a strategic growth initiative funded and seeded by []. This is a small company centered around quantitative fixed income strategies with an entrepreneurial work environment that is well suited for focused, energetic, self-motivated and flexible top investment talent." Although the job required 2-3 years of buy-side experience, in my desperation to get out of my shoddy sinking dinghy of a bank I applied anyways, hoping that my mix of derivatives and programming knowledge and the intellectual tenacity of an Oxford educated pit bull would carry me through.

A couple days later I got an email from the president of the fund, asking me to come in for an interview. Thus began a quest that would consist of 7 hours worth of interviews, masked as so many doctor's appointments that my MDs must have thought I have become either terminally ill, a hypochondriac, or both. The questions asked of me by the president and his elite team of quant Ph.Ds (I'm the only person employed by the fund without one) ranged from derivative modeling to programming to econometrics and math. Quite frankly, I'm surprised that I made it out alive. My black belt in bullshit isn't exactly applicable to questions such as "write an SQL program that calculates the aggregate return and risk of a portfolio." I guess you never know how far you can stretch yourself until put into the "seat of heat", and that's exactly why I can't wait to start my new job. My mind will be honed to have the all the speed and litheness of a gymnast on a racehorse.

Before I begin climbing the steep and shaky ladder to the top, however, I am taking two weeks off to shed my banker skin and come to work ready to be reborn. Expect a recap when I return from my world tour of debauchery. Till then, I remain your arrogant Aribtrageur.

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