Still critics chirp - but aren't premium jeans just a fad? Aren't all denim firms doomed to the fate of Jordache? Certainly kids will be rocking jeans for all time, but say that all of a sudden distressed denim goes the way of the dodo. Is TRLG doomed? Not at all.
Enter the firm's new President: Mike Buckley, the man who took Diesel and transformed it from a mediocre denim designer into a full-service "lifestyle brand" with stores all over the world. He's doing the exact same thing to True Religion with the introduction of a more diversified product range and retail stores in all the trendiest spots, with more to come. The brand now has ever increasing exposure and market share.
This isn’t being reflected in the stock price, however, so TRLG has finally publicly announced that they are looking for a buyer, and when the almighty Goldman is willing to represent them you better believe the deal will go through with a good premium.
So what should you do to take advantage of TRLG? Here are two simple strategies:
- Buy and hold – enter anywhere below 19 and you will see positive returns. The firm won’t sell for anything below 24, and my guess is closer to 28 – the only question is when and to whom. Obviously a strategic buyer will bring the premium up even higher. Otherwise, a financial buyer is a likely candidate. I pitched the idea to Mr. Kravis in January, and I sincerely hope he takes it to heart (and if he does I hope there’s a commission for me in the form of a job offer from KKR). Bear Stearns’ merchant banking group owns Seven Jeans and a few other smaller apparel firms, so there could certainly be consolidation if they were to add TRLG into the mix.
- Long + SAR – notice that the stock tends to go up, then back down. This is because of all the shorts on TRLG that always bite whenever it goes past 20. Use this to your advantage. Enter gradually from 18 down then ride it up to 20. Now stop and reverse into a short and ride the stock back down to about 17 before covering and going to long. TRLG tends to float between 16 and 21, so don’t get too greedy and you will see excellent returns. This is the strategy I’ve been using and it has worked wonderfully. You just need confidence in you strategy and patience.
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