FYI: The Alternative Minimum Tax or AMT was an poorly thought out piece of tax legislation designed to attack 155 rich folk from 1969 that's coming back to haunt the IRS and lawmakers.
Now Washington Democrats are seeking to cover up this blunder and boost their ratings by taking money from evil capitalist pigs who made their millions in ways these simple minded totalitarians cannot understand, which obviously makes hedgies evil charlatans (even if they brought great wealth to their investors) - hmm sounds a little like the Catholic church in the Dark Ages.
Now Washington Democrats are seeking to cover up this blunder and boost their ratings by taking money from evil capitalist pigs who made their millions in ways these simple minded totalitarians cannot understand, which obviously makes hedgies evil charlatans (even if they brought great wealth to their investors) - hmm sounds a little like the Catholic church in the Dark Ages.
The top tax-writer in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Tuesday consideration is being given to raising taxes on private equity and hedge fund managers to help pay for temporary alternative minimum tax relief. Adopted years ago to make sure rich Americans paid at least some tax, the AMT now hits less well-off people it was never meant to touch. Without quick action from Congress, the AMT will soon affect millions more taxpayers. The New York Democrat last week unveiled a sweeping, $1 trillion tax reform bill that included a $47 billion "patch" to fix the AMT for one year. Rangel's tax reform bill -- dubbed "the mother of all reforms" on Capitol Hill -- also proposed more than doubling the tax rate on the carried-interest profits of private equity firm managers and to prevent hedge fund managers from sheltering income in overseas tax havens. |
“Is this where we complain about people who have money?”
No, this should be a post where we complain about HOW people make their money. I would argue that money in and of itself isn’t anything to abhor. How one makes their money is another issue. I would argue that the predation of this particular group of people, and in turn the corporate entities and attitudes they have spawned, on both our society and industry has been at a net cost to our society. Their half-hearted philanthropic attempts to achieve some form of personal reconciliation for their lifetimes of plundering society’s coffer won’t do a thing to reverse the ills we have borne as a result of their greed.
— Posted by John
All these people are from Virtual Money Making Field, just CON-ARTISTS. We must not complain about people who have money, but, look into how they got it? American Capitalists are joining the Chinese Communist Leaders to suck the blood of 1.2 billion Chinese (sorry deduct 1 Million Communist Party Members from 1.2 Billion). In the process, they will wipe out Middle Class from America. India with all its faults have democracy and exploitative power could not be concentrated at the top, like that in China.
— Posted by Shyamal Ganguly
Now, if we could just focus all that ambition and drive on something socially responsible, like sustainable energy sources and clean water, that might provide a real future for all on this planet - for all their so-called success, these people truly have simply exploited the rules of accounting and tax laws to create an illusion of prosperity.
— Posted by Dan Kiely