Hippies protest TXU Coal Plants I think hunger strikes are great, but only when followed through all the way. I also think they should douse themselves with gas and burninate themselves outside the building. That will show those damn profit-maximizing korporations!
Seriously, this is friggin TEXAS. Is there nowhere in the world that’s safe from these parasites? We need to get Cartman over there, stat!
Die Hippie! Die!!!
Some choice quotes from the above article:
Wilder, TXU CEO, is United Way CEO of the Year in Dallas, where the company is based, and TXU employees donated 20,000 hours of volunteer service in 2005.
That sounds pretty irresponsible to me. I mean that's just 3 hours per employee. Those capitalist scumbags!
While the plants will meet federal clean-air standards, the critics say TXU is ignoring alternatives that pollute the state's air less than coal does.
Yeah, companies need to regulate themselves - but we still need to pay taxes to fund wonderfully useful organizations like the EPA - whose researched standards are apparently not good enough.
``TXU is purposely misleading the public in order to build old-technology coal plants the cheapest way possible to get the biggest return on their money,'' Dallas Mayor Laura Miller said.
Gee Willickers! A company trying to make money for its shareholders? That’s evil incarnate! Milton Friedman is rolling in his grave.
``This company is a renegade company that's way out of control, and they need to be responsible to the community,'' said Karen Hadden, executive director of the Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition in Austin, Texas.
Renegade?! Out of control? In a separate comment this raving lunatic said that the new plants will cause “premature deaths” in Texas! Also, every time you buy a handgun 400 children in Africa get executed.
Hadden, 50, and two other environmentalists went on a 10- day hunger strike before the November elections to attract attention to their fight against coal-fueled power and demand a meeting with Perry. Hadden, who said she consumed only a concoction of water, lemon juice, red pepper and maple syrup, succeeded only in metting a meeting with a Perry staff member.
OK – Hunger Strike is not Fear Factor, so you don’t get to drink some weird hippie smoothie and as we all know maple syrup has plenty of calories. Anyways, it looks like you got some reserve fat in there tubby!

McCall said the new generators will reduce the state's reliance on gas, thereby pulling down power prices, and will add the capacity needed to increase system reliability.
See, I call this helping the community by reducing their energy prices, but that's rational thinking and rational thinking is immoral.
Two months after TXU announced its plan, NRG said it would spend $16 billion to boost capacity in the U.S., including nuclear and gas-fueled generation in Texas. The plants will cost more and take longer to build than TXU's. In the six months after TXU's announcement, its shares jumped 35 percent. In the same period, shares of Princeton, New Jersey-based NRG fell 1 percent.
That’s what you get for pandering to hippies, NRG! Seriously, hippies gotta go.